Saturday, December 29, 2007

Starting an e-business

Have you ever considered starting up an ecommerce website? It's a pretty daunting task don't you think? I liken it to walking up to a 2 meter tall boulder, and trying to push it over. It's possible, it's totally possible... but most people would just as soon walk by than try to get it rolling.

I have been in the process of starting one for a few weeks, and let me tell you, it has not been a cakewalk. It's as hard as it looks. But I'm confident that once I get my boulder rolling... it will keep on going. Through these posts, I'll let you follow my journey into starting an ebusiness. The resources I use, and the progress I make along the way.

Hopefully, if you're interested in starting a business and have no idea what you're doing, I'll be of some help. I'll also be discussing adsense, and things of that nature. Welcome to the web. Let's go get em!

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